Sunday, November 8, 2009

Where did the time go?

Nov 6 already and we are starting to get the house cleaned and ready to decorate for Christmas. I found a pink and silver tree that I decorated yesterday to add to our collection of trees. I'll take a picture and share with you all as soon as the batteries in the camera are recharged. Tammi wants professional camera equipment, I just want a digital that lasts longer then 6 months without going to pot!
I will be going to Dad's house in about an hour to set up his meds and meet the Sears delivery people. His washer broke this week and there is no way I am toting his stinky bedding back and forth in my car to my house to wash them.
Otherwise nothing else new around here. I am playing games on Facebook, lots of farming games, and chatting with Bev who I have missed more then I can say. She is in Florida now which makes me want to go back to Disney World even more. Just to have a reason to see her and Mickey Mouse. :)
More later, with pictures.