Sunday, November 9, 2008


A couple of videos for your enjoyment.

We had a costume party at the dog school and I was taking Winston so I got him a Mickey Mouse costume. Big Surprise! :) Here he is right after I tried it on him showing it off to his big sister Kelsey. You can see she has some reservations about the outfit. Then Cooper came in to add his two cents.

Here's Winston and Cooper playing nicely when Brewster decides he wants a piece of the action. Pun intended

Cooper seems very happy in his new home with his new furry friends but he still is afraid of Gerry and I. He follows me around and he wags his tail when I talk to him and he jumps on me to get my attention but if he thinks I am going to touch him he runs to the dog door and dashes outside. He has never shown any aggression. No growing, no biting, but he does show fear.....of us. It is so sad cause he is so cute and when you look at him you just want to pick him up and cuddle him. I am trying to gain his trust and I think it is slowly working. Baby steps. After living in a cage for all those years I know he is happier here...with new friends....freedom to play....good food....and two people who will love him when he realizes we are safe.

Here is a picture of him after he was groomed.

And one more that I thought was cute. You all know what a Mini Cooper is...a small cute car. Take a look at our Winnie-Cooper. They lay together by the door often. They might go out the door more often if Sundance would move her big butt. Notice how she sits it right in the door? What a brat. :)Sorry it has been so long since I have updated my blog but nothing exciting has happened. Other then the Presidential election and that was pretty exciting. I am looking forward to a new rule. Lets all hope a better year will be right around the corner. I am counting down the days till Jan 20. more thing....check out this link. I thought it was very cute.
Please remember this name for 2012. ;)

Dee :)

Friday, August 29, 2008


Update on Cooper:
Cooper is still with us, much to his chagrin. We had him neutered and his teeth cleaned on Monday and while the doctor had him under he also found he had a nasty ear infection. We have had Cooper two and a half weeks and he still wont let us touch him. This is going to be a long trust earning process. He will take food from my hand, in fact he is very food orientated and will take food from anyone…then quickly run away. He is following me but never getting too close. He likes being in the pack of dogs and follows them around the house and outside. His housebreaking is coming, slowly. Being we can’t catch him to take him outside is a real challenge. Because of his ear infection we have to put drops in his ears every day so we end up cornering him till he gives up and lets us pick him up. He has not shown any aggression, he just resigns himself to what we are going to do to him, along with peeing on us when we pick him up. All in all this situation is heartbreaking because I want to hold him and pet him and let him know he is in a good place now. I know, be patient, but that is easier said then done.

Update on Grandpa:
Grandpa had an accident last weekend with his truck. He was not injured, just shook up and scared. He was sighted for pulling out in front of an oncoming car and has to go to court this coming Thursday. We got word yesterday his truck needs more work then it is worth so they have totaled it. He told me last night he has someone looking for another truck for him already. I told him to stop that process because #1 his insurance may cancel him being this is the 3rd or 4th accident he has had within the last 4 years. Even though this is the only serious one, the others were little scrapes or a fender bump that he should never have submitted. #2 When the Judge sees him on Thursday and sees this 90 year old man who walks with a cane and slurs when he talks do to the ongoing no teeth issue, he may decide it is time to take his license away. In the mean time I will be his chauffer starting today by taking him to the dentist and then on Thursday taking him to court. Dad likes to tell me how badly I drive, in his opinion, or which way I should be going so this is going to be a lot of fun for me…NOT.

Update on me:
The test the throat doctor did on me showed Barretts Esophagus. I have another appointment on the 8th of September with another new doctor, a Gastrologist who will stick another probe down my throat to see how bad the situation is and to take a biopsy. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this getting old sucks ducks!

Update on Gerry:
He is doing great! He likes to rub that in too!
We went to two, count-em two Polish dances this summer. Gerry loves to Polka and my job was to find good dancing women to dance with him. The first dance I found three. The second dance his cousins were there and he danced all day with them. You would never know this man ever had a heart attack. :)

We both totally enjoyed watching the Olympics and recorded daily anything we could not see during our work times. We just now got caught up on all the recorded showings and already miss the excitement. I wish we didn’t have to wait so long to see more of these sports. The winter Olympics are a year and a half away and we are already counting the days. We loves the Olympics. J

Update on the upcoming presidential election:

Well that is all the news at our house for this week. I will try to update more often now that the Olympics are over. You all have a great Labor Day holiday.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A new addition, or proof that we are NUTS!

Hi family & friends,

Life is never dull at our house. Since losing Bailey Gerry had talked about adopting another rescue. I guess when you get used to having a house with 5 dogs 4 is not enough. I on the other hand was not really ready to take on the work of training another dog. Also our current kids are so good, I can leave the house without worry and never deal with clean-ups unless someone has a belly ache.

Last weekend a friend of mine gave me a link to a posting on Craig's list for a Havanese. Gerry and I have seen a couple Havanese at the school and we both thought they were beautiful. So when I saw the add posting about Havanese looking for a home I called the number. What a mess I got us into. The gal told me on the phone she had rescued these dogs from a puppy mill and was trying to find them homes. She had three Havanese, two female, one male. I was interested in the male, so Gerry and I went to see it Monday afternoon. We were in a not very nice area, not far from the pound. The steps up to the front door looked so unsafe I was afraid to climb them. The noise from inside the house boomed through the open windows. Kids.....lots of em. I thought maybe they were running a day care. When the gal came outside with this little dog that was scared to death, had never been on a leash and stunk to high heaven I was ready to turn and run. I told Gerry and the girl this dog needed some very special care and I didn't know if I was up to the task. The gal was so sad because she said after talking to me she thought I would be perfect to give this guy a chance. She said she had taken 14 dogs from this woman who wanted out of the pet breeding and was going to put the dogs down. This girl was young and thought she could help the dogs find a home. As I discovered the next day she also thought she could get some money by doing this (questionable) good deed.

Gerry and I talked very little about the dog when we left, other then Gerry saying no one would ever adopt him. The next morning we talked again with Gerry still singing the same tune. "We are his only hope". So, I gave in but I refused to bring the dog here until he was checked over by the vet. I called and made a vet appointment, then called this Nicole back and told her my plans and to have the dog bathed and ready for us to pick up at 2:30. If he checked out with the vet we would talk more then. When we picked him up he was not bathed. Nichole said he fought her so hard she could not keep him in the sink. So now we picked up a Wet/Stinky dog. He still would not let us touch him but he did ride in the back seat of my car without a problem.

Off to the vet's office. Nichole said he was 2 - 3 years old. The vet said he was 5 - 7 years old. He said his heart sounded good, lungs were clear, his bones felt in good shape. He tested for heart worm, which we will hear about that by Tuesday. The stool checked out clean. Then we had the vet give him his rabies and distemper shot. $100. later I am still not sure I want to take on this much work and especially with the dog being this age.

Back to Nichole's house we drove. I showed her the bill and discussed the age and the fear issues in the dog. Then I asked her how much she was asking for this dog. She had the nerve to tell me $300. I replied, You have got to be kidding! Nicole had a friend there and this friend said they would take $250. Nicole did tell her friend we had already put out $100 and she agreed this guy might not ever have another chance. We settled on $150 whereas she should have given him to me free if she was really looking to help these dogs. She then told me she had originally taken 14 dogs from this old breeder and had nine left. I told her since she was in the city she better find homes for them quickly cause she is not allowed to have more then 5 dogs or she is breaking the law. The other gal then told me one of the female Havanese just had puppies that morning and they were watching her close cause she was trying to eat the puppies. I looked at Gerry with terror in my eyes, what the hell had I gotten us into?

Gerry said, pay the girl, and lets try to give this fella a better life.

So now I have a new dog in our house that wont come near us. He runs if I get within 10 feet of him. I finally got him to take a chicken/liver brownie from my fingers this morning, but as soon as he took it he stepped back away to eat it. He is not house broken, although the first day he watched Kelsey going in and out the dog door and in his rush to get away from us he went through the door. He now uses it all day long. He prefers being in the house but hides in a corner. This morning was the first I awoke to not find any gifts left inside the house. I am hoping he is housebreaking himself cause Gerry and I are afraid to do or say anything that will scare him even more. If anyone has any suggestions on how we can earn his trust I would greatly appreciate them.

I guess God knows Gerry and I are easy marks. I will go off and lick my wounds now :)

Let me introduce, Cooper. And Tammi, no I did not steal your beloved Cooper's name from you. Just think of this Cooper being a sweet little cousin to your beautiful black lab. :)

It is hard to work with one when you have a pack of dogs that loves Mommy's chicken/liver brownies. But see how close he came this morning to get a bite of the treats. My kids have let him into the pack. ;)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Balloons, Balloons, Everywhere!

Most of you know that I have this thing for Hot Air Balloons. NO, I have never been up in one and have no desire to go up in one, but I love watching the beautiful colors floating in the blue sky. There is something serene and peaceful and lovely about them that has a calming effect on me. Maybe because I have been told more then once I am full of hot air that I can relate to them. (No comments from anyone please.) Anyway, every year a week before the Hall of Fame festivities we have the Balloon races. Approximately 70 balloons come from far and near to be part of this event. The love of the sport is growing, not only for spectators but for the participants themselves. The last two years has been a bit of a bust. Balloons can only fly when the weather, winds and the nearby airport cooperate so because of that last year they could not take off and the year before that they were rained out. But this year, THIS YEAR, OMG, was the BEST ever!

Saturday morning Gerry and I awoke to the 5:30 a.m. alarm and after doing the necessary getting up tasks headed to the college grounds where the first drop spot for the race begins, around 6:30. Imagine the early morning cool temperatures, the gentle fog rising, the sun slowing climbing into the sky and the rainbow colors of balloons everywhere you look against the blue sky background. Just sitting here thinking about the show we saw this weekend still amazes me and brings a feeling of tranquility to my heart and mind. Saturday was amazing but Sunday we arose again to see the second race and this had to be the best show EVER!

We took Winston with us this year and even he enjoyed the outing, sitting on our laps watching the balloons coming closer, dipping to the ground to throw their bean bag markers at the targets. Even with all the people there the quiet was formidable. We were all amazed at the beauty. Needless to say we took some great pictures that I have posted here for you all to enjoy. I invite everyone to try and make the trip here to see this event next year and we will all hope the weather is as good as it was this year. Tammi, I am not the photographer you are, but I think a couple of these turned out pretty good. I hope you can make it here someday and take some whopper photos for your old aunt. ;)

Notice how the colors are getting brighter as the sun rises higher in the sky? We could not have asked for a better day. Aren't these photos beautiful?

My Balloon loving buddies. Winston, don't look at me, look behind you! :) Gerry has a folding lounge chair but he never once dozed off. :)

I could have posted another 20 or so photos but I tried to show you the best of the lot. These were all taken on Sunday. Saturday was wonderful too, but a little more over cast and cloudy. Come visit me and I'll bore you with photos of balloons taken over the years. :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


As a 1930s wife, I am

Take the test!

Hey Tammi....seems the older the woman the better the score. ;)

Monday, June 30, 2008

Rainbow Bridge

Bailey and I around 14 years ago.Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Author unknown...

Goodbye my beloved little baby girl....wait for me.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Another Hole in my Head

**OK, to save everyone from losing their dinner...I removed one of the pictures and shrunk the other down so you can pass it by quickly. I agree it was gross but I warned you I was going to post a tooth and I always keep my promises. ;)**

After laying in bed on Sunday night in mucho pain and wondering if I could pull this sucker out myself with a pair of pliers, I knew I could not go another day with this thing in my mouth. My dentist office called me at 8:20 AM and asked if I could be there by 9:00. We live a half hour drive from the dentist and I was still in my jammies, but I told the receptionist, "Yes, I'll be there!" I ran down the hall, woke Gerry, told him to get dressed and we were out the door and at the dentist's office by 8:59.

After Bob looked at the X-rays he gave me too choices, go back to the doctor that did the two previous root canals on it and have her do a third or YANK it. Well, here are the pictures I promised you in my last post, so YANK it they did and now I have yet another hold in my head.
The Dentist even gave me a little case to bring it home it which I happened to open today and the tooth stank so bad I threw it and the tooth in the garbage. Ewwww!!!
I have been eating soft foods since Monday but tomorrow night I am going out with the girls to have dinner. I plan on leaning to the right and chewing the pasta on the side so as not to get anything in my new hole. Sheesh!
I look at this picture and it looks like the tooth is huge. I am afraid to put my tongue anywhere near where it came out...I'm afraid the hole if gigantic. A new Grand Canyon hits town. LOL
I wonder what I could get for this on EBay?

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I really wanted to get out and take some pictures but I have been dealing with a tooth ache for the last three days and other then walking around the house moaning a lot, I've not felt like doing anything else. I hope to hear back from the dentist early tomorrow and this dang tooth that already had a root canal and a crown will once again hit my check book, this time for a YANK!

So, I looked on the web and found a couple of pictures that look just like my new wheels. I found it in Alliance at Lavery Motors. It's a 2004 Cadillac SRX, fully loaded with all the bells and whistles, all wheel drive, Northstar engine, with only 18,132 miles on it. It is a crossover but some people call it a Caddy station wagon. It is a nice combo of a luxury car with SUV hauling capabilities. It is a bit bigger then the BMW and a foot or more longer but more important it rides like a car and not like a bumpy truck. I had a friend in it the other day and she thought it felt like riding on a cloud. I gots me some cush for my tush! LOL So, take a look at these few pictures and let me know what ya think. :)
I think this will carry me and the dogs quite comfortably and still have room for Gerry. What ya think? :)
Tomorrow I'll take a picture of my extracted tooth...stay tuned. LOL

Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Wheels, Yet Again

OK..the big announcement will be made today. After many discussions of what we needed we still agreed a small SUV type vechical would fit our needs more so then a car. My problem is most SUVs ride and drive like a truck or are too big for me to handle or eat lots of gas. Luxury is a must for me, especially after driving the BMW for the last 8 months. Nice car but it is more a truck then a car. So all you folks who love a BMW X3, my hats off to you, but it is not my cup of tea. So I tried driving a few other options. Keep in mind I am looking for a good used car. I truly believe I need to spend my money on the best I can afford. Since I can't afford what I like brand new, I look for an affordable used and have never gone off track yet. I end up driving a wonderful car at substantual savings. I know, I know...stop talking at tell. ;)

After test driving a few cars, including a Lincoln Aviator....(not roomy on the inside at all), a Cadillac Escalade (Wonderfuly comfortable and luxurious but 8 miles to a gal of gas wasn't gonna make the grade) and a Volvo station wagon ( just didn't like this one) I got a jist of what I was looking for in a ride. The internet is a wonderful tool for tracking down what I wanted. So here is the first picture to give you a hint of what type I bought.
Yes, I am and have always been a Cadillac Girl. After having two and driving them for about 13 years I am accustomed to the feel and I love it! Did you know I learned to drive on a Caddie? Yep, my mom also was a Caddie lover so I guess I inherited it from her. Thanks Mom.

OK, so now you know the make, which model did I choose?

I will post more photos hopefully later today...till then I will keep you all guessing as to the color...and no it was not white. :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Confession time

This is a quick post to update everyone on my latest challenge. Last November when I bought the BMW X3 I was hesitant but went ahead and got it cause Gerry really loved it and I did think it was pretty. I don't think I had it a week and realized the mistake I made. It just isn't me. I am so used to luxury and room and cush for my tush and this little 'Truck' just wasn't getting it. Gerry was so tired of hearing me complain that on Monday he said, fine if you don't like it find something else then. So my search is back on for a smaller SUV that wont cost me more in payments and will fit my tushy to the cushy it is used to. I guess I am a high maintenance girl after all. So check back...there is one I already have my eye on.
Zoom, Zoom :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Trading in for CASH

Last Saturday I gathered up my old gold bracelets that have been laying in the bottom drawer of my jewelry box. Six bracelets I had, 4 of which were broken and cost more to repair then they were worth. The other two were worn so thin I was afraid to wear them. Over the years I have lost a few gold bracelets when they broke and fell off and I had no idea where they went. So a few years ago I discovered a retailer in the Hartville Flea Market where I could buy gold plated bracelets that looked real and if I lost one I wasn't out a lot of money. So I have been wearing my faux gold for many years now. This retailer will even replace the jewelry if it starts to tarnish or show signs of wear absolutely free. Now how could anyone pass up that bargain? So, with my old gold in hand I went to Hartville Coins and Jewelry to see what I could get for my little treasure bundle. I went into shock when they offered me almost $600.00 for my old broken bracelets. We also had a couple of pieces of jewelry that had gems on them but those we were not offered very much for so we kept them. The word is GOLD gang and if you have any old moldy jewelry laying around now is the time to clean out your jewelry box.

Trivia Question for the day: Does anyone know what movie this song comes from? :)

Gold Fever lyrics

I would give the world to see How I used to be When I had no axe to grind Except for chopping wood. Day was day, and night was night Wrong, was never right Didn't matter where I went As much as where I stood. I had dreams, average size There were stars in the skies Not my eyes Then I got...Gold fever No romp 'n rollin' girl And fellow stuck' Cause your the, gold fever Nothin' can help you But the yellow stuff What! Can stop that itchin'? Ain't! Around the kitchen Gold, gold, hooked am I Susannah, go ahead and cry. Once we all did honest work Farmer, lawyer, clerk Married men, and single men And some who ain't so sure Now I look at them and see Duplicates of me Cured of what we suffered from And sufferin' from the cure Who can say, why we came? Where's the hope, where's the flame? We're the same When you've got Gold fever No romp 'n rollin' girl And fellow stuck' Cause your the gold fever Nothin' can help you But the golden stuff What! Can stop that itchin'? Ain't! Around the kitchen Gold, gold, hooked am I Susannah, go ahead and cry Gold fever Gold fever Gold fever Gold fever Gold fever Deal!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

I Stayed

Well, since this is Sunday, May 25th and I am posting to my Blog, it must mean I am still home. Yep! I chickened out. Ten years ago I would not have hesitated to make the trip but now that I have turned into a country hermit I am afraid to go farther then 20 miles on my own. I did check into flying but at the price they are charging (anywhere from $450 with two layovers and 9 hours from start to finish, or $750 with one lay over) that was an easy FORGET that option. Then I looked into a train ride which went from Alliance to Chicago to Grand Rapids and only took 12 hours. Ah....driving it straight through takes 7 hours. What is with these trips that are supposed to be faster then driving??? I even have a friend that would stay here at the house and take care of the dogs so Gerry could go with me...but he wanted to stay home and work in the yard. Rob, I did try! So, all I can hope for now is maybe later this summer when it isn't a holiday weekend, I can find a plane trip that won't put me in the poor house. So Bob keep working around the house I am gonna get there eventually.

Hey Tammi, notice my Meez? Me with a dog in a beauty shop. All I need is something Disney in that picture and it would be perfect. Your right, it was lots of fun to create. Even with my slower the molasses connection and taking a week to get everything loaded on my Meez, it was still fun. Thanks for the link. :)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Should I go or should I stay?

I have been battling with a decision for the last month. Earlier this year I talked with my sister and discussed me driving up for a visit when Gerry was on vacation. (so he could stay home and take care of the dogs) The weekend is quickly approaching, Memorial Day weekend. I seem to be finding lots of excuses not to go. The one excuse that tops the list is, I am afraid to drive that far by myself. Seven hours without stopping, so for someone my age it would be more like 9 hours. Time to stop to eat, and numerous stops for potty breaks. Hey, when your old the coffee goes right through ya! I know my sister is waiting for an answer. I need some feed back friends. Anyone have any ideas how to get over a fear? I also planned on staying at a hotel to save work for my sister and also to give all of us some private space, but after seeing the price of hotels and considering the cost of high test gas, what I save at a hotel could go in my gas tank. So Barb, you will have to wash the sheets when I leave. :)

Nine hours one way, to be repeated three days later....I shiver at the thought. How come I would have done this 10 years ago without blinking an eye???

Anyone have any ideas other then calming drugs that would put me to sleep while driving? :)

Sunday, April 13, 2008


My niece Tammi had a fun and interesting link on her blog site where you can test yourself to discover your Personal DNA. I did the challenge and the results said I was an Encouraging Realist. I think that fits me pretty well. Give it a try yourself and let me know what your test results are.
Update on Dad living with us. Well tomorrow is Monday and we are moving Dad back to his house. This last month has definitely had it's ups and down. When they say a child can't move back home also fits with a parent moving into a child's home. Different ideas of life, timetables running at separate times, political views that will never mesh, and stubbornness on every ones part that just wont give an inch can make for frustration, anger and words spoken in haste. I always thought I was a patient person but I found out I am not as patient as I thought. Course I always knew my Dad was stubborn beyond believe and he admits to that and agrees everything has to be his way or no way. So...last weekend when my dad got so mad at me that he was trying to find someone to come pick him up and take him home we had a father and daughter sit down discussion. This week when I talked with the visiting nurse and the in home therapist they both agreed that Dad could very well go home and with a couple of things in place to help and protect him he will be returning to his home tomorrow. It is hard to admit but we are all breathing a sigh of relief that this month is almost over.

Growing old is a horrible thing. The things our bodies and minds do to us is degrading and embarrassing. Having someone around to point out our faults just makes things worse. Dad is quick to tell me that I am doing something wrong as if I was 12 instead of 56, and I am quick to tell him he stopped up the toilet yet again. I know when we both have our own space again and are in the comfort of our own privacy once again we will be much happier. Gerry has been a saint through all this but he agrees with me that Monday is not coming fast enough. ;)

So Dad, God bless you and watch over you and when the time comes that you can not continue to live alone we will deal with what we must do then. I wonder if Dad would like living in Michigan or Georgia, or Illinois? (My sister and her kids ) :)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Life has changed here.

When we built this house 5 years ago we put in a suite for my dad should he want to live with us. We really planned out a very nice area, 1000 sq. ft of room, living room, hall, bedroom, bath, kitchenette. Direct TV hookup. What more could anyone want. Well, Dad wasn't ready to move in so Gerry and I have had a very comfortable and happy private life. That is till Friday. A week ago Dad was taken to the hospital for a combination of ailments that together sounded like flu symptoms. After the doctors ran tests for 4 days they proclaimed him clear to go home. They could not find anything wrong other then the typical aches, pains and complaints of a man almost 90 years old. The doctors didn't want him to return to his home so an ambulet delivered dad to our door. Whether he wants to be here or not...he is here.

Now the world is turned upside down for all three of us. One thing Dad likes about being here is the food I am cooking for him. I'm hoping after a few weeks he will find other things he likes about the place. :)

So please keep us in your prayers that this all works out without any blood being spilled. Hopefull I will find some funny things to write about in the coming days. Wanna hear about the clogged toilet? ;)

Dee....a reluctant nurse. :)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

And The Snows Came

I could not have picked a better time to be recuperating from surgery. The weather here in Ohio turned arctic last weekend. On Friday the icy rain came coating everything. The trees and bushes looked beautiful but the roads were terrifying. On Saturday the snows came...piling on top of all that ice we got hit with anywhere from 6 - 20 inches of snow. Depending on how the winds blew. Being our house sits upon a hill we had drifts 3 feet deep. Ever try walking through snow higher then your knees? My neighbor came over to visit and always called 911 half way there. She thought she might need the help of a helicopter to pull her out of the drift.

Most of the snow has melted the last few days, especially today while our temperature is in the mid 50s. It still is very pretty out there, in all the bright sunshine and now that the danger of driving in the snow and ice is over we can enjoy the snow in all its glory.

Living in the country has a few quirks. One, we don't have a lot of the modern fast internet connection. Another is we lose power often and for long periods at a time. The more populated areas get quicker attention then a few homes in a 5 mile radius. Also being that our streets are not busy the salt trucks or the snow removal trucks usually pass through on the rare occasion someone remembers where the farmers live. But look at this view!!! No small inconvenience could ever outshine the beauty and the quiet of country living. If you haven't tried it, do!

Keep Warm :)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

On The Mend

It has been 11 days since my surgery. Yes, I am glad it's over and yes I am glad to be home but one told me about the specific uncomfortable moments I was going to have. Because of the type of surgery I had, while I was under anesthesia they put my body into positions that a normal body doesn't get into and especially for extended periods of time. I think 30 seconds would have been long enough, not over an hour. Imagine if you will...riding a horse for a month without ever getting off. The thought of not ever being able to get my legs back together crossed my mind many times. I have had muscle aches from over working them, but sheesh nothing like this. I also came home with a horrid sore throat from having the tube shoved down it. They need to make industrial strength throat spray that numbs everything totally for at least 10 hours between sprays. Someone invent something soon. :)

5 days after surgery I realized the meds I was on and the after effects were stopping up areas that ususally move normally. Orders from the doctor, no driving for three weeks, no sweeping for a couple of months and no straining, ever! When I went back to the doctor for my one week follow-up, she nodded in agrement with my discomfort and said, "Just give it another week and take Milk of Magnesia, I'll see you in a month." It's gonna be a long month......

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Upcoming Surgery

In less then two weeks I'm having a surgical repair. I saw the surgeon on Tuesday for a last minute question and answer session. What they describe as a simple fix-it sounds pretty awful to me. You see many many years ago I had a couple of pregnancies. Although neither went full term the effects of the pregnancies have remained with me all these years. I am having a Pelvic organ prolapse repair Where they use a little mesh hammock and tuck everything back into place. Sounds easy enough yes? The worst part for me is the healing period. No driving for 3 - 4 weeks, no lifting anything over 15 lbs for 3 months, I may need to wear a diaper for a week or two and pads for 6 - 8 weeks, no vacuuming for 3 months....well that is not a bad deal. :) I will have to take medications for various bodily functions that cannot be discussed on this blog or anywhere in the civilized world. I keep asking myself, is this really necessary. My doctor says it is. Sigh See this is what happens when you get old and bored, you find things to make your life disgusting ;)

Feb 27th is the date for the surgery, mark your calendars to send me get well e-mails. :) So please everyone keep me in their thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and to my young nieces out there that are still giving birth.....NEVER STOP KEGELING!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

It has been over a month since I have posted anything on my blog. I have many reasons for the slow posts:

A. We had a big holiday that kept me non-stop and when I did sit down....I fell asleep.

B. Nothing exciting has happened to talk about.

C. I have been fighting a UTI that just makes me feel blah!

D. It's January.

So because I have been feeling guilty about not posting anything....I give to you a few of my favorite pictures of my dogs. Well, the name of this blog is Gone to the Dogs, so here they are.

Best Friends!I'm ready for my close up.
Kelsey snuggled up.
Lookin' out the window.
Bed Time!
Looking at these pictures always makes me smile. I hope they give you a grin too.
The only thing I have happening soon is a surgery scheduled on Feb 27th where they are going to pick my bladder up off the floor and sew it back inside where it belongs. Warning to all those mothers out nieces, bladders tend to drop during pregnancy and when you reach menopause they fall out! So when you hear a mother talk about their child and mention what a pain in the lower extremities they are....this is not a phrase, this is fact! Hopefully this will take care of those UTIs and I can move onto my next old age adventure. :)