Sunday, March 9, 2008

On The Mend

It has been 11 days since my surgery. Yes, I am glad it's over and yes I am glad to be home but one told me about the specific uncomfortable moments I was going to have. Because of the type of surgery I had, while I was under anesthesia they put my body into positions that a normal body doesn't get into and especially for extended periods of time. I think 30 seconds would have been long enough, not over an hour. Imagine if you will...riding a horse for a month without ever getting off. The thought of not ever being able to get my legs back together crossed my mind many times. I have had muscle aches from over working them, but sheesh nothing like this. I also came home with a horrid sore throat from having the tube shoved down it. They need to make industrial strength throat spray that numbs everything totally for at least 10 hours between sprays. Someone invent something soon. :)

5 days after surgery I realized the meds I was on and the after effects were stopping up areas that ususally move normally. Orders from the doctor, no driving for three weeks, no sweeping for a couple of months and no straining, ever! When I went back to the doctor for my one week follow-up, she nodded in agrement with my discomfort and said, "Just give it another week and take Milk of Magnesia, I'll see you in a month." It's gonna be a long month......


tammi said...

Straight up Milk of Mag?? Yuck.

Spice things up a little...go for a milk of mag, prune, metamucil cocktail. With an olive.


Anonymous said...

I can empathize with you regarding the sore throat from the breathing tube. I had a horrid sore throat for 3 days.