Saturday, November 10, 2007


Oh boy...the choices are narrowing down. Nephew Rob may have picked the winner and Rob it is availiable. MCKYLVR. I was leaning toward TNDRHART since I have had TENDR forever but I do like Rob's suggestion. One other one that was available is LVSDOGS and since we have 5 dogs that is a given. Only thing that concerns me on that choice is I don't want anyone confusing my 4-legged pets with the Browns football team which is nicknamed the Dawgs.
And Tammi, your suggest is available but I just can't see myself driving around town with this vanity plate.
On that note......I am done blogging for tonight. LOL

1 comment:

tammi said...

LOL!! If I had any money, I'd give $500 to get that plate! LOL!!