Thursday, November 1, 2007

New Wheels

What can I say......we are another day older and deeper in debt, like all people in the USA. Gerry and I have been discussing new cars for the last couple of years. Even though both of our vehicles are still in good running order they are 95 and 97 models. Our biggest fear is that they should both go out of commission at the same time and create a double car payment which would be impossible to deal with. We have been thinking about trading in my Caddie for a small SUV. So the last month or so we have been seriously narrowing down our choices. We looked at brand new Toyota Highlanders and Nissan Muranos and a couple other variations on the theme. We looked at the prices and I walked away with my hand on my heart repeating the Jewish comment "Oy Vay" and wondering how anyone can afford $40,000 for a new car? Well since I am not one to buy a new car we started looking at certified used cars and we found one that Gerry started drooling over and I liked the size, color, price and incentives that the dealership was offering. And guess it NOT white! LOL
This is a 2004 BMW X3 with only 21,000 miles on it and the certification keeps the warranty going for another 3 years. What ya think? :)

We should be able to pick it up Monday which is also my prep for the colonoscopy day. I figure while I am sitting in the bathroom reading a book all day Gerry will be out cruising the country side.
Know anyone who is interested in buying my good old beautiful Caddie?


tammi said...


Pegger said...

not bad, but from the 1st pic it reminds me of an amc gremlin. ewwww

at leasst its not black, which shows every speck of dirt like my miata.

is there room for all the dogs??

Pegger said...

Went to the doctor today for a routine check-up. BP is being well controlled by my medication, but guess what tests he wants to have done?? You're right! The specialist will be calling me to set up an appointment for the always wonderful colonoscopy. I'll probably delay it until after school gets out around the 5th of December, maybe a little longer as I'm going to be helping my friend with her flower shop until mid-December. Doctor wasn't at all urgent about the test, just age related and that I've had one before and cancer runs in my family.

I'm there with you in spirit hon! Make sure you got a good book to read. :-)