Tuesday, November 6, 2007


My Best Advice: BE PREPARED!

5 lbs of you know what went down the drain. That is the only good thing I can say about this experience. Although I did take everyone's advice on how to make the procedure easier and it all worked. If you need to have a colonoscopy remember the following:
1. Ask to take the pill option, it is much easier and you don't have to drink the Great Salt Lake.
2. Buy several different clear things to drink for variety.
3. Get Aloe lotion toilet paper.
4. Find Diaper Whipes for Sensitive skin.
5. Keep Vaseline on the back of the toilet.
6. Have on hand a heating pad to hold on your tummy and to keep warm cause as you are doing the prep it tends to give you the shivers.

When we arrived at the office this morning the nurse asked me how it went and other then some cramping I felt fine. No soreness anywhere. The test went easy, an IV, some drugs to knock you out for 15 minutes and then wakie, wakie! Doctor said everything was fine other then the diverticulitis pocket so I need to eat more fiber and if I have any more trouble we will deal with that bridge when and if the time comes. Surgery is not something I want - so I intend to start chewing on our half dead tree in the back yard, daily. :)

Doctor said I'll see you in 10 years. Yea!!

Off to breakfast, then home to bed to nap and catch up on the sleep I missed last night and today is a new clean day. ;)

1 comment:

Pegger said...

Glad all went well, I just got back from going OH for Vegas, lost every damm match I played in the Backgammon tournament, lost @ Cribbage, lost @ the casino and sportsbook. But had great fun with my backgammon friends, and one of them finished 1st in the Advanced Division (Open was highest, then advanced, then Novice) and won around $6100.

Speaking of losing, how much weight did you lose from the "procedure"?!! LOL

I'm waiting for a call from the "specialist" to schedule my own checkup, or perhaps it is a "Lookup!" LOL

Danny, who is going to sleep now @ 523 in the morning! :-)